Bharat Ratna Award
First musician to play for Independent India at Red Fort on 15th August, 1947, he played the opening tunes at the Red Fort, New Delhi on the 50th year of Indian Independence in 1997. The President Shri K.R Narayanan conferred the highest civilian award Bharat Ratna Award upon Ustad Bismillah Khan on May 4, 2001.
Pushpanjali Prawaha
We are presently organizing a 108 days progarmme called
To clean as much as possible of the poly bags and flowers from repeating error of putting flowers and poly bags again unto the river. All over India the festival season has started within NAVRATRAS hence we must take action now. We are also organizing Door to Door campaigning to educate uniform people in addition to touching almost 2 lace school children to help in our endeavor.
our country…a neat and clean country which they dreamt of. Lets join hands for this Noble and Spiritual Mission.
Our organization, YFF, has undertaken a project to clean the rivers of INDIA starting with The YAMUNA, which will be starting from Delhi .
An Environment related initiative of YFF towards restoration, revival of the purity and sanctity of our natural water resources. It involves recycling of discarded Marigold and Rose flowers into environment friendly products.
Under the ‘Pushpanjali Prawaha’ programme our volunteers go to various temples, shops and even from door to door , collecting discarded Marigold and Rose garlands. These flowers that are offered with great respect at the feet of the deities in temples or even used as decorations to enhance rituals are usually discarded as garbage after they wilt or are being dumped into the rivers, as often seen. The rivers too being sacred has been converted into a dirty stinking stream of muck over the years by our continuous indifference.
The concept of recycling flowers and empowering young men and women from the weaker sections of the society to make themselves financially self reliant is an important one. The volunteers of Pushpanjali Prawaha would benefit from this program. As they come from deprived sections of the society, they learn dignity of labour, as well as create awareness towards environment related issues.
These discarded flower petals are used to make eco friendly holi colours as well as vermi compost.
YFF believes in the cycle of creation, perfection and destruction. We are made of five elements and eventually we return to it, such is Nature’s Law. Pushpanjali Prawaha is one of YFF's humble offerings towards this cause.
Giving back flowers to Nature is Pranam's endeavour
With immense devotion we offer flowers before the deity at religious places, but do we ever think what happens to those flowers and garlands offered by us? There is an organization that not only thinks about this but also gets these flowers and garlands collected and returns them back to where they came from, the Nature.
Pushpanjali Prawaha is an initiative of Youth Fraternity Foundation, for creating awareness about environment and dignity of labour. YFF believes in the cycle of creation, perfection and destruction. We are made of five elements and to them we return. This is a Law of Nature.
"The flowers that are offered with great devotion at the feet of deities in temples or used as decoration to enhance a ritual should not be discarded as garbage after they wilt. Nor should they be dumped into the Yamuna river, as commonly seen. The Yamuna river has been converted into a dirty stinking stream of muck over the years by continuous indifference," rues GOPI DUTT, founder of YFF. Volunteers or Bandhus of Pushpanjali go from door-to-door, collecting discarded garlands. Migrant women residing in NCR region make organic colours out of these. The flower waste is also converted into compost. The volunteers also benefit from this programme. They come from deprived sections of the society and through the process of flower collection they learn about dignity of labour as well as create awareness about environment issues. The salary earned by them is used to support further education. "People talk about the pathetic condition Yamuna and Hindon rivers are in and criticise the local administration and government. But they are never interested in putting their efforts for the betterment of the rivers," says GOPI DUTT . She believes that change can happen only when our culture is understood in its correct perspective. She states that the vedas are pure scientific truths that have to be experienced. There is a bit of the supreme consciousness in all matter and being. Hence when we offer something with reverence it carries that bhav and should therefore be treated respectfully.
Aroon Kumar Mehta
General Secretary ( YFF )