Youth Fraternity Foundation (Regd.)
Registration No: S-54337
Depletion and degradation of public resources like water
by one person shall impact quality and quantity of goods left for others and
future generations.
To make the nation green, let the rivers flow
To provide a clean, pure and green environment to
the people of India with inclusive growth and sustainable development.
1. To clean up
the sacred rivers and other water bodies and restore their original glory.
2. To provide
employment to vulnerable and disadvantaged sections of society.
3. To protect
and improve the natural environment including lakes, rivers etc.
4. To sensitize
the people of our country to preserve our dying sacred rivers and water-bodies.
Everyday, 42,000 kg flowers enter Delhi, which means 12
lac 60 thousand kg in a month and 1.51 lac 20 thousand in a year. Besides that,
an equal amount of pooja materials such as derelict idols and images of Gods
and Goddess, chunni, agarbatti and dhoop packets, coconut shells, etc..But
there is no account where do these flowers and other materials end
up. More often than not, these ceremonial flowers and pooja samagries find
their way into rivers. Clandestinely or brazenly people dispose of these
flowers and other pooja materials into the rivers. This is one of the
sources of polluting and choking Yamuna and other rivers. A pertinent
question arises:
• What happens to these flowers, after they get dried next day or in a few days?
• Why do people throw these flowers into the rivers?
It is obvious that this pooja material is put in a polybag and disposed of into the sacred rivers. Secondly, people's belief, according to Hindu mythology, is that ceremonial flowers should be disposed of into the sacred river. Therefore, efforts for preventing people doing the same have not achieved the desired results so far. It is a matter of faith and needs sensitive handling. It is true flowers in themselves do not pollute the rivers but the polybags choke the river and restrict the flow of water. Therefore, we have devised a plan to recycle these materials without offending the religious beliefs and practices of the people. The recycling of these materials will provide employment to lakhs of people without offending their religious sentiments.
GOPI DUTT AAKASH [ President ]
प्रतेयक भारतीय का पूर्ण समर्थन , सभी लोगो ने पुष्पांजली प्रवाह कलश को पूर्ण रूप से अपनाया
चाहे वह किसी धर्म , जाती , या राजनैतिक पाटी का हो ।
" घर - घर
पुष्पांजलि प्रवाह कलश "
पूजा समग्रीे लोगो ने अपने पुष्पांजलि प्रवाह कलश में प्रवा किया। …।
Press Release
Prime Minister
Narendra Modi Ji
Subject: Cleaning of the Yamuna..&
Esteemed Sir,
I would like to bring to your
kind notice that the pollution of rivers in India is a major cause of concern.
Indian water-bodies get polluted due to various reasons. The chief cause of
this pollution is the dumping of garbage which is produced by religious rituals
in the form of garlands, statue figures of deities, paper, plastic, coconut
husks, etc. This is also affecting the size of the river.
Our NGO Youth Fraternity
Foundation (YFF) has been working for the cause of cleaning of water-bodies for
the last ten years in various parts of India. In order to reduce the pollution
of rivers, YFF has formulated a project ‘Pushpanjali Parwaha Kalash’
which consists of (a) to collect flowers and other worship- material from
temples, worship-shops, colonies; and, (b) to dump this material in a specific
area from where it is sorted out in different piles like paper, flowers,
plastic, coconut husks, etc. The biodegradable waste is turned into compost and
the rest is recycled.
With your support and
cooperation, we would like to start two pilot projects in Delhi and Varanasi
for cleaning of the rivers. This will also generate income and employment for
approx. 80,000 people all over India.
have solution.
Kindly give us an opportunity.
Yours faithfully,
Gopi Dutt
President :. YFFINDIA
Mob. 98185-92979 – DELHI
YouTube Narendra Modi [Swachh Bharat Abhiyan] " PUSHPANJALI PRAWAHA KALASH "
[ 1 to 56 ] लिंक देख सकते है.. |
आप से अनुरोध :- लोगों में जो एक नई सोच विकसित हुई है उसे
आगे अनवरत जारी रखा जाय, ताकि आस्था के
नाम पर यमुना , गंगा नदी को प्रदूषित होने से न केवल रोका जाय बल्कि सतत
श्रृंखला में ऐसे कदम उठाकर अन्य जलश्रोतों का भी संरक्षण किया जा सके।
"स्वच्छ-भारत" अभियान. Clean River, Green India
आज से स्वच्छता अभियान शुरू हो रहा है. एक बड़ा अभियान है यह. स्वागत है इसका।
प्रधानमन्त्री जी के "स्वच्छ-भारत" अभियान के लिए मैं क्या कर सकता हूँ ? यदि आप भी यही सोच रहे है तब आइये प्रदूषण के एक कारण और इसके निदान पर नज़र डाले, और स्वच्छ-भारत अभियान को सफल बनाने में अपना सहयोग दें..
आखिर क्यों है इतनी गन्दगी ???
क्या आप जानते है कि सिर्फ दिल्ली में प्रतिदिन 40 हज़ार किलोग्राम फूल आते है... 12 लाख किलोग्राम प्रतिमाह.. 150 लाख किलोग्राम प्रतिवर्ष.. और क्या होता है इन फूलो का ? इनमे से अधिकांश भाग मंदिर अथवा अन्य पूजा स्थलों पर चढाया जाता है और फिर कूड़े के ढेर में अथवा सीधे ही यमुना में प्रवाहित कर दिया जाता है.. यही नहीं, पूजा की बहुत सारी सामग्री जिसमे देवी-देवताओ की मूर्तियाँ भी होती है, सीधे यमुना में प्रवाहित कर दी जाती है.. देश के दूसरे शहरो की भी कमोबेश यही स्थिति है..
परिणाम ? देश की पवित्र नदियों का पानी खतरनाक स्तर तक प्रदूषित है, और किसी न किसी माध्यम से देश के बहुत बड़ा वर्ग का जीवन इन्ही नदियों के जल पर आधारित है.. यह प्रदूषित पानी शरीर में पैदा होने वाली बीमारियों का मुख्या कारण है..
समाधान क्या है ?
समाधान है.. 'निर्माल्य कलश पुष्पांजलि प्रवाह - पात्र'. जी हाँ, इसके माध्यम से लोगो में सफाई के प्रति जागरूकता पैदा की जाती है और नदियों के किनारे, पूजा स्थल, गलियों, बाज़ार आदि से पूजा सामग्री एक कलश में एकत्रित कर इस सामग्री का प्रयोग जैविक खाद, अगरबत्ती, आदि जैसी वस्तुओ के बनाने में किया जाता है.. एक और यह अभियान देश के नागरिको को स्वच्छ-भारत की प्रेरणा देता है और दूसरी और इससे हज़ारो रोजगार के अवसर पैदा किये जा सकते है..
हमारा विश्वास है कि यदि गंगा पूजा से पुन्य मिलता है, पाप दूर होता है तब निश्चित ही नदियों की सफाई के अभियान से जुड़ने पर इससे कई गुना अधिक पुन्य प्राप्त होगा.. इतना ही नहीं नदियों की सफाई से पानी निर्मल बनेगा और
हमारा भारत हरित और स्वस्थ होगा..
कैसे जुड़ें ?
स्वच्छ-भारत के लिए Clean River, Green India अभियान
से जुड़ने / अधिक जानकारी के लिए आप कॉल कर सकते है,
YouTube - Narendra Modi [Swachh Bharat Abhiyan] " PUSHPANJALI PRAWAHA KALASH " लिंक देख सकते है |
.. और जो मित्र आर्थिक सहयोग देना चाहते है वो संस्था के बैंक अकाउंट में जमा करा सकते है..
YouTube - Narendra Modi [Swachh Bharat Abhiyan] " PUSHPANJALI PRAWAHA KALASH " लिंक देख सकते है |
.. और जो मित्र आर्थिक सहयोग देना चाहते है वो संस्था के बैंक अकाउंट में जमा करा सकते है..
स्वच्छ-भारत अभियान के लिए आपका सहयोग प्रार्थनीय है..
Name of Organization : Youth Fraternity Foundation
(Regd. No. S-54337 )
Name of Bank & Branch: BANK OF INDIA , A - 21, Green Park , Arbindo Marg ,HAUZ KHAS .Delhi-110016
Bank Account No. 600510110003113
IFSC Code: BKID0006005
Pan Number : AAAAY0981H
Contact No: +91-9818592979 (Gopi), +91-9350194358 (Arjun)
April 2013
Sometimes, we muse and wondered, what would have happened to our country if the Media,( Print and Electronic) had not been in the vanguard in raising issues that concern us all, and the Society in particular.
More often than not, people from all hue indulge in Media bashing. This reinforces our belief that Indian Media is vibrant, objective, alive to social responsibilities, and works without any prejudice and fear.
AT YOUTH FRATERNITY FOUNDATION, YFF; we too, wish that we could make some meaningful contribution to make our Environment, pollution-free, our dying rivers and waterbodies pure and potable .
With this in mind, we have been working , silently for the last 8 years, and hoped that our endeavors would reach ," The Corridors of Power" one day. But little did we realise that small voices are seldom heard , in the modern time. Only the vociferous protests, violent agitation get noticed and addressed.
Therefore, we have decided to reach out to people who matter to us the most, through your esteemed newspaper, and we are absolutely sure that you will not disappoint us, unlike others, and publish our open letter.
We shall be highly obliged.
Kind Regards.
Yours faithfully
Gopi Dutt Aakash
Mob no; 98185-92979
Yamunaji’s birthday on 16th April 2013
How to
rid Yamuna of pollution
DATE-March 26 , 2013
? ? ?
Subject: How to rid Yamuna River of pollution
( River Yamunaji’s birthday on 16th April 2013 )
Subject: How to rid Yamuna River of pollution
( River Yamunaji’s birthday on 16th April 2013 )
Dear Sir / Madam
In pursuit of our zeal to clean up our sacred rivers the Ganga and Yamuna River and restore their original glory, we are writing to you again, in the hope that you would consider our humble submission sympathetically and allow (YFF) us to contribute to the cleaning up of these rivers and all the water bodies across India.
This is our considered view that the Ganga and Yamuna River are important rivers because of their geographical and religious position in India. Therefore, it is our bounden duty and obligation to rid them of pollution. Since we inherited these majestic rivers in their original glory, it is but natural that we must restore their originality. History beckons us that we must not fail in our duty.
As things stand today, it is very unlikely that we will see a clean and serene Ganga and Yamuna in any foreseeable future, though it may sound a bit pessimistic.
It is a matter of great concern that these rivers continue to be ever polluted. In fact, more polluted than before (Supreme Court) in spite of the best and diligent efforts by the government as well as numerous organizations (religious, spiritual, social etc.) the result is far from satisfactory. Why is it that we have nothing to show for our efforts? How long can we go on removing the debris from Yamuna river’s bed ritualistically? We are afraid, this is an exercise in futility.
We humbly submit that we need to adopt Mahatma Gandhi’s way. As he showed the world and India, in particular, how the participation and overwhelming support of the mass, can bring a mighty empire to its knees. What I am trying to imply is, government alone can not do this, public support is crucial. This can be easily done in close co-ordination with YOUTH FRATERNITY FOUNDATION. We have the mass support behind us for our innovative pilot project, and have had successful trial runs in many parts of Delhi. But we lack wherewithal, and the government have wherewithal but overwhelming public support.
Well, Sir / Madam , allow YOUTH FRATERNITY FOUNDATION ( YFF ) to make a humble submission. We are a team of dedicated people, and have practical, workable and doable solution that has been befuddling our country for so long. We would highly appreciate if you kindly allow us to make presentation or spare some of your precious time to go through the attached documents.
It is said about Steve Jobs ( late CEO,Apple Inc.) when he approached the present company, with his innovative ideas, he was pooh-poohed, only to take him back as CEO later.
Sir / Madam , we wish to bring into your kind notice that our country is a religious country, and people can not be stopped from worshipping and offering flowers to deities, stopping them, would be considered sacrilege.
There is an upcoming event Yamunaji’s birthday on 16th April 2013 and YFF is going to use this occasion to spread awareness through mass contact and interaction. We would appreciate if you kindly help us with some grants (monetary assistance) as we would be needing massive manpower and other materials.
Another thing that we wish to inform you is, the Ram Navami, next month, April and our reliable sources have informed us that on 18 and 19 April, 2013 almost 6.5 lakh kg. of worshipping materials and ceremonial flowers will be thrown into the Yamuna River . If you co-operate with us, we can take care of this too.
We shall be highly obliged if you kindly support us in our endeavors to galvanize this campaign, which has been dedicated ,' For the people, by the people, of the people'. Your benign support will inspire us all, and go a long way in fulfilling the aspirations of the people of our country.
Hoping that you will consider our humble request sympathetically and oblige us.
Thanking you, GopiDutt Aakash { President }
In pursuit of our zeal to clean up our sacred rivers the Ganga and Yamuna River and restore their original glory, we are writing to you again, in the hope that you would consider our humble submission sympathetically and allow (YFF) us to contribute to the cleaning up of these rivers and all the water bodies across India.
This is our considered view that the Ganga and Yamuna River are important rivers because of their geographical and religious position in India. Therefore, it is our bounden duty and obligation to rid them of pollution. Since we inherited these majestic rivers in their original glory, it is but natural that we must restore their originality. History beckons us that we must not fail in our duty.
As things stand today, it is very unlikely that we will see a clean and serene Ganga and Yamuna in any foreseeable future, though it may sound a bit pessimistic.
It is a matter of great concern that these rivers continue to be ever polluted. In fact, more polluted than before (Supreme Court) in spite of the best and diligent efforts by the government as well as numerous organizations (religious, spiritual, social etc.) the result is far from satisfactory. Why is it that we have nothing to show for our efforts? How long can we go on removing the debris from Yamuna river’s bed ritualistically? We are afraid, this is an exercise in futility.
We humbly submit that we need to adopt Mahatma Gandhi’s way. As he showed the world and India, in particular, how the participation and overwhelming support of the mass, can bring a mighty empire to its knees. What I am trying to imply is, government alone can not do this, public support is crucial. This can be easily done in close co-ordination with YOUTH FRATERNITY FOUNDATION. We have the mass support behind us for our innovative pilot project, and have had successful trial runs in many parts of Delhi. But we lack wherewithal, and the government have wherewithal but overwhelming public support.
Well, Sir / Madam , allow YOUTH FRATERNITY FOUNDATION ( YFF ) to make a humble submission. We are a team of dedicated people, and have practical, workable and doable solution that has been befuddling our country for so long. We would highly appreciate if you kindly allow us to make presentation or spare some of your precious time to go through the attached documents.
It is said about Steve Jobs ( late CEO,Apple Inc.) when he approached the present company, with his innovative ideas, he was pooh-poohed, only to take him back as CEO later.
Sir / Madam , we wish to bring into your kind notice that our country is a religious country, and people can not be stopped from worshipping and offering flowers to deities, stopping them, would be considered sacrilege.
There is an upcoming event Yamunaji’s birthday on 16th April 2013 and YFF is going to use this occasion to spread awareness through mass contact and interaction. We would appreciate if you kindly help us with some grants (monetary assistance) as we would be needing massive manpower and other materials.
Another thing that we wish to inform you is, the Ram Navami, next month, April and our reliable sources have informed us that on 18 and 19 April, 2013 almost 6.5 lakh kg. of worshipping materials and ceremonial flowers will be thrown into the Yamuna River . If you co-operate with us, we can take care of this too.
We shall be highly obliged if you kindly support us in our endeavors to galvanize this campaign, which has been dedicated ,' For the people, by the people, of the people'. Your benign support will inspire us all, and go a long way in fulfilling the aspirations of the people of our country.
Hoping that you will consider our humble request sympathetically and oblige us.
Thanking you, GopiDutt Aakash { President }
Youth Fraternity Foundation (Regd.)
(Second Floor), Calypso Bistro, Hauz Khas Village, New Delhi 110 016
Registration No: S – 54337
Adm Off. : No 12, II Floor, Hauz Khas Village, New Delhi - 110016
In past 100 years, Delhi has developed a lot
but the river Yamuna has constantly decayed...
It is time to stop destruction of Yamuna!
In the coming new year,let us make a fresh beginning
& bring back life to our beloved river Yamuna
Our organization, Youth Fraternity Foundation, have been working with a solution to this problem with a project named "Pushpanjali Prawah
In the National Capital of India, Delhi we re celebrating the Birth Anniversary of River Yamuna as ( Yamuna Mahotasav “ Pushpanjali Prawaha " from 26th March, 2012, a 108 days long programme. Your cooperation is solicited.: SAVE YAMUNA @ SAVE DELHI108 days programme
Yamuna Mahotsav. Fresh Air....Fresh Idea....Fresh Talent....Fresh Energy....
All are cordiallly invited to participate and coooperate their contribution to this noble deed.
All are cordiallly invited to participate and coooperate their contribution to this noble deed.
Thanking you.
( President ) ( 98185-92979 )
धार्मिक आधार -- धराएत इति धर्मः अर्थात जो धारण किया जाए ,वही धर्म है. यह श्लोक हमारे शाश्वत सनातन धर्म के व्यापक दृष्टिकोण को प्रमाणित करता है.सनातन धर्म किसी रूढ़िवादिता या कट्टरपंथी का नाम नहीं , बल्कि यह धर्म मानव सभ्यता के उत्थान और प्राकृतिक सम्पदा का संरक्षण का एक माध्यम है, हमारे सामान्य रीति- रिवाज सबके पीछे एक तर्क है- विज्ञानं का , विचारों की प्रखरता एवं विद्वानों के निरंतर चिंतन से मान्यताओं व आस्थाओं में भी परिवर्तन हुआ . पुष्पांजलि प्रवाह की व्यवस्था आदि पूजा अर्चना के दौरान अनादि काल से चली आ रही है .समाज के सभी लोग भगवान से किसी न किसी कारण जुड़ा रहता है . हम उनको भेंट स्वरुप माला , फूल, नारियल ,फल और अन्य सामग्री भेंट करते हैं . इन सामग्रियों में पंडित महाराज को जो जरूरत होती है , वह ले लेते हैं . जो गो माता को भेंट कर सकते हैं वह हम उन्हें खिला देते हैं , एवं बची हुई सामग्री को नदी में प्रवाह कर देते हैं .जिससे किसी को पैर न लगे एवं इन पूजा सामग्री को सम्मान मिले . इसके लिए सबसे अच्छी व्यवस्था थी की नदी में प्रवाह कर दो. भारत के नदियों से भी सनातन धर्म मन का रिश्ता रखती है . माँ हमें दूध पिला कर हमारे जीवन को सुरक्षित करती है और नदी का जल ही मानव का जीवन है , इसलिए जीवन देनेवाली है माँ. नदी को साफ सुथरा रखने का उपाय सनातन धर्म ने खोजा , नदी में ताम्बे के सिक्के डालें एवं फूल माला विसर्जित करें.फूल मालाओं से नदी के उपरी सतह पर जो तरल पदार्थ जो स्नान करने के कारण होता है ,वह साफ हो जाती है. वही फूल माला मछलियों का भोजन हो जाता था, जैसे हम अपने अस्थियों को नदी में प्रवाह करते हैं, क्योंकि उन्हें सम्मान मिले. फूल मालाओं को वैसे ही विसर्जित करते हैं , अर्थात अस्थियों को वहां विसर्जित करना चाहिए जहाँ उसे सम्मान मिले . माता- पिता के अस्थिओं को हम सम्मान देते हैं और भगवान के फूलमाला, फोटो इधर - उधर फ़ेंक देते हैं ,जिसकी एक ही सजा है -क्लेश. जिस तरह दूध में खट्टा पड़ते ही दूध फट जाता है . आप कुछ नहीं कर सकते ,उसे फटना ही है. इसी तरह पूजा सामग्री इधर उधर फेंकने से क्लेश होगा ही, आप नहीं रोक सकते.
आध्यात्मिक आधार : मंदिरों में चढ़े फूलों की दुर्दशा मन में कहीं वैसे भी खटकती थी, लोगों द्वारा पहनी गयी मालाओं को भेंट दी गए सम्मान के प्रतीक फूलों का यहाँ - वहां बिखर कर तिरस्कृत होना. कई बार मन पर प्रश्न चिन्ह बनकर उभरा, अनुसन्धान करते हुए मन में विचार आया की क्यों न फूलों को खाद बनाने के मुख्य उत्पाद के रूप में काम में लिया जाय. श्रद्धा के रूप में सृजनात्मक संरक्षण की वैचारिक कौंध ने बड़ी शीघ्रता से कार्य शुरू करने की आध्यात्मिक प्रेरणा मिली .चार- पांच बार प्रयोगों के बाद आवश्यक संशोधन कर एक सुव्यवस्थित प्रक्रिया को अंतिम रूप दिया जा सका . गीता के श्लोक ३/१२ में इसका उल्लेख है. इसका सार है की जब किसी व्यक्ति को कोई वस्तु दी जाती है और वह इसे लौटने की जिम्मेदारी पूरा नहीं करता तो वह चोर है. प्रकृति साफ हवा व शुद्ध पानी देती है . पेड़ , वनस्पति भोजन देते हैं. हमारा कर्तव्य है की हवा को साफ रखें , पानी प्रदूषित न होने दें. आहार को विषाक्त होने से बचाएँ. जो वायु , जल, धरती को प्रदूषित करतें हैं, वह पाप कर्म करते है. आस्था एक भाव है. इश्वर, धर्म, सत्य, करुना, मानवता सब आस्था के ही विषय हैं. हमारे त्यौहार , रीति- रिवाज , दान एवं प्रतीक अपने आप में पूर्ण सन्देश व ज्ञान लिए होते हैं , जिन्हें अच्छी तरह समझकर , गुनकर , भावपूर्वक , ध्यान पूर्वक व विधि पूर्वक करने से ही चमत्कृत करने वाले अनुभव होते हैं, अन्यथा यह मानव - जीवन के लिए बड़ा अनर्थकारी होता है. आज जब हम अपने चारों ओर देखते हैं तो लगता है की भारत ने सभी क्षेत्रों में अच्छी प्रगति की है. उसकी जरूरतें काफी हद तक पूर्ण हो रही है, परन्तु वास्तविकता यह है की इतनी तरक्की के बाबजूद मानव सुखी और संतुष्ट नहीं है. कहीं न कहीं उसके मन में असंतोष है, वह सभी स्तरों पर अनेक समस्याओं का सामना कर रहा है क्योंकि हम अपने आस्था को समय अनुसार बदल दिए हैं . सुख प्राप्त करने के लिए हमने दुखों को जन्म दिया अतः कहीं न कहीं विसंगति अवश्य है , चाहे यह हमारे सोंच में हो या मौजूद व्यवस्था में हो . प्रत्येक व्यवस्था एक निश्चित चिंतन का ही परिणाम होती है .
Title of the Project: An innovative Plan to minimize river pollution caused due to disposal of worship materials by setting up of Collection Boxes ( Pushpanjali Prawaha Patras).
Yamuna is unfortunately one of the most polluted rivers in the world, especially in the banks near New Delhi , the capital of India . Almost 58%of the city’s waste is dumped into the river. Though numerous attempts have been made to clean it, the efforts have proven to be futile. India is a very religious country and idol worship is common in this country which is done by offering prayers with flowers, food (bhog), garlands and many more things. These offerings to god are often discarded into the river once they wilt, which in turn they decays causing pollution of the water bodies.
Pushpanjali Prawaha is an unique initiative undertaken by Youth Fraternity Foundation with an exclusive mission of “Facilitating National Development with complete Environment Sustainability”. YFF believes in the cycle of creation, perfection and destruction. Under this initiative, the flowers that are discarded after they are offered with great devotion at the feet of deities in temples or used as decoration to enhance a ritual, are collected and recycled further for various uses. This is done with the intention to mitigate pollution in the water bodies like the River Yamuna, which has been Iin recent years converted into a dirty stinking stream of muck by continuous indifference.
The major goal of the project is to provide an objective means to assess, shield, control and mitigate the Pollution of the rivers caused by disposal, by setting up Pushpanjali Prawaha Patras (a waste collection box) in and around delhi in order to collect the discarded worship and ceremonial materials (flowers, garlands,poly bags etc) and to provide employment and education to the poor children by engaging them in activities of social cause.
ü To control the contamination of the river like Yamuna created by disposal of waste materials like worship materials and other harmful resources.
ü To generate awareness among the people about harmful effects of the Water Pollution;
To encourage people to cooperate in making the river Yamuna free from the pollutants by not throwing the waste materials into it.
ü To encourage people to use the special ‘Pushpanjali Prawaha patras’ to discard the waste flowers, garlands and other worship materials after their respective usage.
ü To seek for children currently engaged in coin collecting & rags picking and ensure employment & education for them
There is a rampant threat to the Indian rivers due to spiraling urbanization and industrialization. Availability of fresh water has become a vital discussion in today’s century. The interaction between human population and natural environment and related sustainability of water resources is of increasing scientific, societal and political importance. There has severe water crisis in many states within India which is due to mismanagement of water resources. All the major rivers and tributaries across the country have become the victim of (indiscriminate discharge of untreated domestic and industrial effluents, mining and agricultural run-off) point and diffused sources. Vast stretches of many major rivers including Ganga and Yamuna have became virtual sewers and rendered unfit for human use. This situation has evolved despite the huge investments made by subsequent governments in cleaning them up. As a result, our endurance and that of rivers -- is at stake.
Although many efforts have been made to control the pollution of these rivers but it is important to widen the methodologies and streamline all these towards achieving the primary goal. Identification of the type of effluent and adopting a method to control the pollution is the main objective of this project. Disposing of the Worship materials into the river can be minimized by collecting the wastes and recycling them for various useful purposes in the future. The only way to do this is by setting up of the collection Boxes (Prawaha Patras) in respective areas chosen.
Proposed study herein provides vital information and greater insight into the advantages of the innovative plan adopted to control the pollution particularly in the river bodies. The knowledge and information envisaged to be generated here would serve as blueprint or guideline document for the evaluation of various river clean up or pollution abatement strategies. Since the entire information will be put on the Internet and quarterly Environment magazines, it is made accessible to global audience and immensely benefit the interested groups actively involved in the field of environmental studies and conservation like pollution control boards, other stakeholders like; NGO’s, academic and R&D institutes. Plethora of ideas and feedback information from global audience through Internet not only enriches information and knowledge generated through the present study but also make them part of the study and helps in the collective management of our rivers far more effectively.
1. Employment Opportunity for the youths.
2. Free Education and employment to the orphans, rag pickers, women and senior citizen.
3. Rehabilitation of the River Yamuna and improve the quality of water.
4. Awareness generation among the people to keep the Yamuna clean by not disposing the ceremonial items into it.
5. More usage of the Pushpanjali Prawaha Patras (waste collection boxes).
The present study envisages to make use of diverse ways for minimizing the pollution caused by the disposal of the Ceremonial materials (flowers, garlands,poly bags etc). It has intended to enroll many young volunteers to accomplish the diverse tasks of this project. It has considered incorporating the street Boys & girls who engages themselves in rag picking and coin collecting, ensuring employment and education to them by involving them for this social cause. Selection of the areas for setting up these prawaha patras( Waste Collection boxes will be made in consultation with Govt. officials. Information regarding the outcome of this innovative plan will be made available on the Internet through our official website www.yffindia.blogspot.com
Methodology involves the following Plans :-
1. Identification of potential areas through precise enquiry and survey.
2. Investigation of the management of the wastes in those pre identified areas.
3. Construction of Pushpanjali Prawaha Patras(waste collection boxes) in those areas and collection of the waste materials into the respective boxes.
4. Collection of these waste materials will be done by Boys & Girls who are generally rag pickers or coin collectors as they will be given employment and education by the organization at no costs.
5. Recycling of collected waste materials (flowers, garlands,poly bags etc.)
6. Formulation of various ways to create awareness among the people about the harmful effects of river pollution and encourage them to use the Puspanjali Prawaha Patras ( waste collection boxes) and keep the river bodies pollution free.
7. Information regarding the outcome of this innovative plan will be made available on the Internet through our official website www.yffindia.blogspot.com.
12 / 4 / 2011 Temple in Delhi
12 / 4 / 2011 Temple in Delhi
12 / 4 / 2011 Temple in Delhi
12 / 4 / 2011 Temple in Delhi
12 / 4 / 2011 Temple in Delhi
Pushpanjali Prawaha
12 / 4 / 2011 Temple in Delhi
12 / 4 / 2011 DELHI CANTOMENT
Shiv Temple in Delhi C P
Pushpanjali Prawaha
12 / 4 / 2011
12 / 4 /2011
12 / 4 /2011 MALVIYA NAGAR
12 / 4 /2011 MALVIYA NAGAR
12 / 4 /2011 MALVIYA NAGAR
12 / 4 /2011 MALVIYA NAGAR
12 / 4 /2011 RAJOURI GARDEN
12 / 4 /2011 KAMLA NAGAR
12 / 4 /2011 KAKLA NAGAR
12 / 4 /2011 SADAR BAZAR
12 / 4 / 2011 KALKA JI
12 / 4 / 2011 MALVIYA NAGAR
12 / 4 / 2011 R.K.PURAM
12 / 4 / 2011 DELHI
12 / 4 / 2011 DELHI
12 / 4 / 2011 DELHI
12 / 4 / 2011 DELHI TILAK NAGAR
12 / 4 / 2011 DELHI PAHAR GANJ
।।यो भूतं च भव्य च सर्व यश्चाधितिष्ठति।
स्वर्यस्य च केवलं तस्मै ज्येष्ठाय ब्रह्मणे नम:।।-अथर्ववेद 10-8-1
भावार्थ : जो भूत, भविष्य और सबमें व्यापक है, जो दिव्यलोक का भी अधिष्ठाता है, उस ब्रह्म (परमेश्वर) को प्रणाम है। वहीं हम सब के लिए प्रार्थनीय और वही हम सबके लिए पूज्जनीय है।
ॐ शं शनैश्चराय नमः
प्रत्येक जीव का इस संसार में बड़ा महत्व है, पूर्ण ज्ञान के कारण मनुष्य पृथ्वी का सबसे बुद्धिजीवी प्राणी रहा है, इसने अपने कार्य के लिए समय-समय पर कई नई खोज की, कई नए अविष्कार किए।
Bharatiya Saint
Acharya Dr. Lokesh Muni Ji
Sunderlal Bahuguna
Gurudwara Bangla Sahib
Fatehpuri Masjid
Jama Masjid
Swami Agnivesh
CPI general secretary A.B. Bardhan
Nafisa Ali
RSS ideologue M G alias Baburao Vaidya
Sahib Singh Verma
Chief Minister of Bihar
This world is full of purities & impurities and we in the race of materialistic needs never get time to think about our motherland and environment. We are so busy that we never think about anything apart from our family and materialistic requirements. Do we know the truth of the flowers, which we dedicate to our Lord " The Creator of this world"?
Soliciting your co-operation in fulfilling our sacred mission of cleaning the Yamuna River .
SHRI YASHWANT SINGH ( Former Minister of Finance )
SHRI L.K.ADVANI ( Former Deputy Prime Minister INDIA )
A humble citizen
Gopi Duttaakash
President ( YFF )
Jai Hind……Jai Hind……….Jai Hind
Pushpanjali Prawaha has three stage program
Stage First: -
We have devised a 3 Point Programme to
help clean
A) To stop people from throwing the Ceremonial flowers / Poly bags etc in YAMUNA River .
B) All things being currently thrown in YAMUNA to be collected & a recycling process to be initiated.
C) To organize Boys & Girls currently engaged in coin collecting & rag picking and give them employment & education.
A) How To stop people from throwing the Ceremonial flowers / Poly bags etc in YAMUNA River .
We will stabilize 600 pots (Pushpanjali prawha Patra) for collecting Ceremonial flowers / Poly bags etc from 12 Jones of all over Delhi . As per details below:-
All places in 12 Jones in Delhi
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Sarojini Nagar
Nand Nagri
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Gole Market
Rotash Nagar
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Kasturb Nagar
Seelam Pur
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Yamuna Vihar
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Kalka Ji
Qarawal Nagar
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Malviya Nagar
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Hauz Khas
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Bhalswa Jahangirpur
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Adarsh Nagar
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Janak Puri
Pahar Ganj
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Hari Nagar
Moti Mahal
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Tilak Nagar
Chadni Chowk
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Tri Nagar
Kamla Nagar
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Shakur Basti
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Shalimar Bagh
Sadar Bazar
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Moti Nagar
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Sahibabad Daulatpur
Patel Nagar
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Rajender Nagar
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Sultanpur Majra
Karol Bagh
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Ram Nagar
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Nangloi Jat
Baljit Nagar
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Vishnu Garaden
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Trilok Puri
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Patpar Ganj
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Geeta Colony
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Ganghi Nagar
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Dr.Ambedkar Nagar
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Vishwash Nagar
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Delhi Temples
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This will also help our youth volunteers to earn some honorarium of Rs. 4000/- per month with lunch, which will help them to complete their studies, survival and to establish in this city as well as to make pollution free Yamuna. If the help to make Yamuna river pollution free due to flowers is granted, we shall leave no stone unturned to complete within stipulated time and to satisfy all concerned.
Sir, you must be aware that the Yamuna river is getting badly polluted due to the improper disposal of the flowers used in worship.
It is well known that many of us avoid throwing in the flowers used for worship in the garbage and instead it is put these in the plastic bags thrown them directly in the Yamuna river along with plastic bags. This practice contributed in a significant way to the Yamuna river which is already highly polluted.
Our organization YFF has undertaken a project: Pushpanjali Prawah ‘The flow of devotional flowers’ the new method in the year 2011 in Delhi . We have devised a special “ PUSHPANJALI PRAWAHA PATRA” which will be placed in the public place for the immediate disposal of these flowers. This will subsequently be disposed by our volunteers at an appropriate place. This will tremendously help in the reduction of pollution in Yamuna river.
we also want to achieve the aforesaid goal in very-very short times i.e in Seven months only.
2011 – 2012
1) This project will provide employment to 111 people.
2) The flowers and other items used in pyayers in Homes, Temples , Mosques, Gurudwaras, Public Please, ect. In Delhi which are usually disposed in the Yamuna River , or near road sides or Peepal trees will be then discarded by proper means.
3) The Organization has devised a program by which a permanent remedy to this problem shall be achieved within a
4) Each working member shall be Rewarded with Rs.4000/- and free lunch so as maintain his sincerity and dedication towards the work.
5) The Government is spending crores to eradicate poly-bags and used flowers but has not been able to achieve its goals. We intend to help them and serve the Nation by means of this project.
6) Honorable Chief Minister of Delhi , Smt. Sheila Dixit has quoted in the Navbharat Times dated 10th Jan 2008, 24th June 2009 – " Is there anyone who can save the Yamuna ".
Installation of 600 “ PUSHPANJALI PRAWAHA PATRA” all over Delhi .
Our organization has devised a plan under which each councilor area (Parshad) will be to install two “ PUSHPANJALI PRAWAHA PATRA” at common venues which would facilitate the disposal of the flowers & Prayer Samagri etc.
Estimate of collected waste over the month
No. of Sacks
180 kg
220 kg
80 kg
30 kg
1300 pieces
1250 pieces
Earthen Pots
1500 kg
| |
Organic waste
3000 kg
A plan to clean and stop pollution in Yamuna within 7 months.
My aim is to serve the nation in various ways. You must be aware of the pollution being caused due to the disposal of used flowers and other worship materials in our Holy River Yamuna , and carried by all the rivers of India . Our organization, YFF, has undertaken a project to clean the rivers of INDIA starting with The YAMUNA, which will be starting from Delhi 2011.
We have devised a 3 Point Programme to help clean YAMUNA RIVER in DELHI .
A) To stop people from throwing the Ceremonial flowers / Poly bags etc in YAMUNA River .
B)All things being currently thrown in YAMUNA to be collected & a recycling process to be initiated.
C) To organize Boys & girls currently engaged in coin collecting & rag picking and give them employment & education.
I Gopi Dutt want to draw your attention to problem that Delhi has been facing since as long as 10 yrs now. I am talking about the pollution in Yamuna caused by devotional material, Polybags, Flowers etc. Our govt., different NGOs and now Maharaja Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji have put their best efforts to clean up the river.
Sri Sri Maharaja Ji is a spiritual guru he has no desire or want for money or fame. From South Africa to America , Iraq to Kashmir people worship him and follow him. Whole world wants to meet him, seem him and Seek his blessings, still he took over the charge to clean the Yamuna inDelhi from various disposed things. Maharaja Sri did the work with his own hands, he tried cleaning up the river by picking up the disposal on his own. He is the first spiritual guru in the world who left popularity and still tried to clean the Life Line of Delhi – The Yamuna. Do you know why? He did this to awaken Delhi . But did we WAKE UP?
On 11 April 2011 NAVRATRAS around 25,000 people will put near about 5 lac kg of sacred material in the Yamuna.
The same way other NGOs, NDTV, the CM of Delhi (Yamuna Mei Jaan Dalo) with various programmes and camps have been trying to clean up the Yamuna but due to lack of a disposal sytempeople still turn to Yamuna for disposing the used materials during pujas into the Yamuna. We need a Disposal System that stops people from throwing these materials in the River. Even though Sri Ravi Shankar Ji tried his best to clean up the river but people still dispose off the samagri and flowers into the river which results that the efforst put in by all the people associated with the cleaning up the River in Vain.
We all have been trying to clean it up for the past 10 yrs but it hasn’t stopped yet. Does anyone have a plan to stop this that here is no further need to clean n re-clean the river? The problem is that we only create awareness that people should not pollute the river but there are no measures taken to stop this pollution.
I have researched about the whole polluting issues for the past 7 years; have also noticed it in 22 different states. I have found the cause and the Solution of the problem. During my research I have met CM’s of different states and 162 MP’s and have brought their attention to the issue. I have also met the religious heads of different religions and they have all agreed upon the solution I have now. According to the time limits and need of the hour. They have found my solution to be the best possible way as there is no other option that stops pollution in as soon as 7 months after being implemented.
In 2006, I met the President APJ Abdul Kalam and the Vice President B.S. Shekhawat and discussed the whole plan with them. The president initiated the project and promised to keep it running believing that this is the only way to save Yamuna.
I have run the plan in small yet different places to check if what I had researched and concluded can be done practically. Thankfully, it was successful everywhere it was implemented.
Now I want to implement the whole plan in the region of Delhi so that we can clean Yamuna and stop it from polluting further in future.
So if you don’t have a plan I have it. I am planning to conduct a 108 days programme calle
Fresh Air....
Fresh Idea....
Fresh Talent....
Fresh Energy....
I need your support Sir Ji .
Thanking you.
Kind Regards,
Gopi Dutt Akash
President – Youth Fraternity Foundation
Email- yff.india@gmail.com
our country…a neat and clean country which they dreamt of. Lets join hands for this Noble and Spiritual Mission.
Jai Bharat……Jai Bharat……….Jai Bharat.....
नदियों को प्रदूषण मुक्त करने का प्रभावी प्रकल्प : पुष्पांजलि प्रवाह
प्रदूषण : पूजा के फूल से यमुना में प्रदूषण! दिल्ली सरकार निरंतर समाचारपत्रों और होर्डिंग्स के माध्यम से सूचित करती है कि भगवान पर चढ़े हुए फूल और मालाओं को बैग में डालकर यमुना में विसर्जित न किया जाए, क्योंकि उससे यमुना दूषित हो रही है , यमुना पुल पर दोनों किनारे लोहे की जाली से घेरा लगा दिया गया है ताकि श्रद्धालु पूजा सामग्री न डाल सकें , लेकिन जाली को बीच-बीच में लोगों ने काट दी हैं, जिससे उन्हें फूल माला फेंकने की परेसानी न हो . दिल्ली सरकार प्रति बर्ष तीन चार बार जाली को जोड़ती है , लेकिन लोग उसे काट देते हैं . दूसरी ओर हमारे बहुत से भी बहन जो फूल बड़ी भक्तिभाव से देवताओं के चरणों में चढाए जाते हैं उसे किसी पीपल वृक्ष के नीचे रख दिया जाता है , किसी खम्बे पर टांग दिया जाता है , किसी मंदिर में रख दिया जाता है . धार्मिक वस्तु , फूल माला , देवी- देवताओं की खंडित मूर्तियाँ , धार्मिक कार्ड का कैलेण्डर , अगरबत्ती के पैकेटों पर छपी भगवान की तस्वीर वाला खाली पैकेट एवं चुन्नियाँ आप दिल्ली शहर में जहाँ भी देखें , हिन्दू धर्म की पूजा सामग्री बिखरी पडी मिलेगी. इस तरह हम शहर को भी गन्दा एवं प्रदूषित कर रहे हैं . लोग कहते हैं कहाँ फेकें? यह भले ही देखने में सामान्य कार्य लगता हो परन्तु हिन्दू विश्वास के अंतर्गत इसका आध्यात्मिक एवं धार्मिक मूल्य है , तार्किकों को भले ही अटपटा लगे , परन्तु उन्हें इस बात पर सहमत होना पड़ेगा कि सिर्फ बौद्धिक होकर अथवा तर्क का सहारा लेकर इस समस्या का समाधान नहीं हो सकता . यमुना नदी में जो भक्तजन पूजा सामग्री फेंकते हैं ,वह यमुना नदी की गहराई कम करते हैं. यमुना नदी की गहराई पहले 12 -15 मीटर थी , जो अब मात्र 1 -2 मीटर है. नदी की गहराई ही नहीं है , जिसके कारण बाढ़ एवं सूखा की समस्या होती है . यह हमारे कारण प्रदूषण की वर्तमान व्यवस्था का नतीजा है . दुनिया का पथ प्रदर्शन करना अतीत में भी हमारा पावन कर्त्तव्य रहा है और हर परिस्थिति में हमें वही कार्य करना है ताकि निकट भविष्य में पर्यावरण का संकट टाला जा सके. हमें इस धार्मिक कार्य के लिए सुसज्जित होना होगा.
सरकारी मानसिकता , प्रयास एवं खर्च : केंद्रीय प्रदूषण नियंत्रण बोर्ड के अनुसार पूजा सामग्री से 1 .5 % नदी प्रदूषित होती है . दिल्ली प्रदूषण कंट्रोल बोर्ड के अनुसार लाखों प्लास्टिक बैग में पूजा सामग्री यमुना में डाली जाती है , जो नहीं होना चाहिए, पर कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता. लेकिन हमने और आपने देखा कि दिल्ली में 10 बर्षों से यहीं पूजा सामग्री ही निकाली जा रही है. यमुना के किनारे यह सामग्री से भरा हुआ है.प्रयास - सभी पुलों पर जाली लगाया गया है . प्रत्येक बर्ष विद्यार्थियों द्वारा यमुना के किनारों की सफाई , गैर सरकारी संस्था द्वारा सफाई दिल्ली के मुख्यमंत्री द्वारा सफाई श्री श्री रविशंकर द्वारा सफाई को सरकार ने मदद किया .खर्च- विद्यालयों को दस हजार एवं बच्चों को नास्ता , दस्ताने, फावड़ा वस्तुएं प्रदान किया जाता है . प्रत्येक बर्ष इस प्रकार के कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया जाता है जिसमे काफी खर्च होता है. इसके साथ दिल्ली सरकार द्वारा समय- समय पर सफाई कार्यक्रम होता है . यमुना में जान डालो ...............इस तरह का 10 बर्षों से सरकार प्रचार कर रही है. जितना पूजा सामग्री प्रत्येक बर्ष गिराई जाती है उसमे से 25 % ही साफ हो पाती है.सूचना का अधिकार के द्वारा हमें पता चल सकता है कि 10 बर्षों में इन पूजन सामग्री को साफ करने के लिए सरकार द्वारा कितने अभियान चलाए गए ? इसमे कितना खर्च हुआ? इसका परिणाम क्या रहा ? इस सरकारी अभियान को किन-किन लोगों द्वारा तैयार किया गया था? आने वाले बर्षों में किन-किन अभियान पर सरकार काम करने जा रही है और उसके लिए कितना बजट निर्धारित हुआ है?
मूल समस्या : सभी लोग भगवान , गौड , अल्लाह ,गुरु गोविन्द सिंह और अपने -अपने धर्म से जुड़े हैं. किसी न किसी प्रकार अपने भगवान को खुश रखने के लिए भक्त उन्हें माला फूल एवं अन्य सामग्री से पूजा अर्चना करते हैं. उसके बाद सभी वस्तुओं को नदी एवं किसी मंदिर या पीपल के पेड़ के नीचे फ़ेंक देते हैं क्योंकि यह सामग्री पांच- छः दिन के बाद सड़ने पर बदबू देने लगता है , इसलिए लोग इसे जल्दी से कहीं-कहीं फ़ेंक देना उचित समझते हैं . शास्त्र के अनुसार भगवान पर चढ़ाई गयी पूजा सामग्री बसी घर में नहीं रखना चाहिए. मंदिरों में , गुरुद्वारा में , मजारों पर जो फूल -माला चढ़ाई जाती है वह भी यमुना में फेंकना इनकी मजबूरी है.सर्वोच्च न्यायालय ने कहा है कि नदी को आप गन्दा नहीं कर सकते लेकिन अब तक इस आदेश पर अमल हेतु कोई व्यवस्था ही नहीं है . दिल्ली सरकार ने 2005 को हलफनामा देकर दिल्ली हाईकोर्ट को सूचित किया कि पूजा सामग्री डालने के लिए सरकार यमुना के किनारे बड़े-बड़े कुण्ड बनाएगी , लेकिन 6 बर्ष बीतने के बाद भी कोई व्यवस्था नहीं हो पाई है. लोग प्रति बर्ष 15 लाख किलोग्राम पूजा सामग्री यमुना में फ़ेंक देते हैं. दिल्ली में प्रतिदिन बीस हजार किलोग्राम फूलों कि खपत है. नवरात्रि में प्रतिदिन चालीस हजार किलोग्राम खपत होती है. नवरात्रि बर्ष में 2 बार होती है
8 +8 दिन=16x40,000k.g=6,40,000 kg
300 दिन x 20,000 k.g . =60,00000 kgइसके आलावा देवी देवताओं कि खंडित मूर्तियाँ , धार्मिक कार्ड , कैलेण्डर, अगरवत्ती के पैकेटों पर भगवान की तस्वीर वाला खाली पैकेट , तस्वीर, चुन्नियाँ , धार्मिक फटी पुरानी पुस्तकें भी फेंके जाते हैं.दिल्ली में 1 करोड़ 20 लाख लोग हैं लगभग-: 25 लाख लोगों के घरों में से 2 किलोग्राम प्रत्येक बर्ष यदि २ किलोग्राम भी निकालता है तो 25 लाख x 2 किलोग्राम =50 लाख किलोग्राम यह पूजन सामग्री भी यमुना में गिराई जाती है.
(6 ,40 ,000 किलोग्राम +60,00,000 किलोग्राम +50,00,000 किलोग्राम =116,40,000 किलोग्राम ) यह डाटा एक जनरल कॉमन सेन्स है. इसको निकलने में कितने करोड़ लगेंगे? यह एक बर्ष में डाली गयी पूजन सामग्री है.
8 +8 दिन=16x40,000k.g=6,40,000 kg
300 दिन x 20,000 k.g . =60,00000 kgइसके आलावा देवी देवताओं कि खंडित मूर्तियाँ , धार्मिक कार्ड , कैलेण्डर, अगरवत्ती के पैकेटों पर भगवान की तस्वीर वाला खाली पैकेट , तस्वीर, चुन्नियाँ , धार्मिक फटी पुरानी पुस्तकें भी फेंके जाते हैं.दिल्ली में 1 करोड़ 20 लाख लोग हैं लगभग-: 25 लाख लोगों के घरों में से 2 किलोग्राम प्रत्येक बर्ष यदि २ किलोग्राम भी निकालता है तो 25 लाख x 2 किलोग्राम =50 लाख किलोग्राम यह पूजन सामग्री भी यमुना में गिराई जाती है.
(6 ,40 ,000 किलोग्राम +60,00,000 किलोग्राम +50,00,000 किलोग्राम =116,40,000 किलोग्राम ) यह डाटा एक जनरल कॉमन सेन्स है. इसको निकलने में कितने करोड़ लगेंगे? यह एक बर्ष में डाली गयी पूजन सामग्री है.
समाधान : इस समस्या पर गंभीरता पूर्वक अनुसन्धान कर समस्या का समाधान खोजा गया है, जिसमें भक्तों की आस्थाओं को ध्यान में रखकर उसके अनुरूप ही व्यवस्था बनाई गयी है. दिल्ली के सरकारी रिकार्ड में लगभग 2500 मंदिर है, जबकि वास्तव में लगभग 4200 मंदिर हैं.एक पायलट कार्यक्रम
(क ) 500 किलोग्राम फूल से अधिक खपत वाले मंदिरों में छोटा कलश रखना , जिसमें 150 किलोग्राम फूलमाला एवं पूजा सामग्री आ जाती है. जिसे एक दिन छोड़कर हमारे कार्यकर्ता आयेंगे और सभी सामग्री ले जायेंगे.
(ख)1000 जगह पर जहाँ लोगों का निवास स्थान है वहां पुष्पांजलि प्रवाह पात्र लगाना जिससे जो लोग घरों में पूजा करते हैं वह अपना पूजा सामग्री अपने घरों के पास लगे पात्र (बौक्स ) में डालें . यमुना पीपल का पेड़ मंदिर जाकर फेंकने की जरूरत नहीं है . एक पात्र में 150 किलोग्राम पूजा सामग्री आती है . तीन दिन छोड़कर इन पात्र (बौक्स ) को खाली करने की व्यवस्था की गयी है.
(ग) दुकानदार भी अपने दुकानों में प्रतिदिन पूजा अर्चना करते हैं. पुष्पांजलि प्रवाह के कार्यक्रम में हमारे कार्यकर्ता एक दिन छोड़कर प्रत्येक दुकान जायेंगे और पूजा सामग्री उनसे ले लेंगे.
(घ) जो भक्त यमुना के पुलों से पूजा सामग्री फेंकते हैं , हमारे कार्यकर्ता उनसे वहां वह सामग्री अपने कलश में ले लेंगे. दुबारा लोग जाली न काटे के लिए वहां पर कुछ और व्यवस्था करनी है जिससे समय आने पर उसे ठीक कर दिया जाएगा.इसके बाद भी जो लोग यमुना नदी के किनारे अपनी पूजा सामग्री को लेकर आएँगे , हमारे कार्यकर्ता वहां भी मौजूद हैं . वे वहां सामग्री उनसे बड़े सम्मान के साथ ले लेंगे और यमुना नदी को प्रदूषित न होने देंगे. इस तरह इस समस्या का कारण और निवारण की एक सम्पूर्ण योजना है . इस योजना के द्वारा इस समस्या का समाधान हमेशा के लिए हो जाएगा एवं दिल्ली के 250 बेरोजगार लडके एवं लड़कियों को रोजगार भी मिलेगा.हमारे प्रयास : पुष्पांजलि प्रवाह के कार्य को आठ साल तक गहराई से अनुसन्धान करने के बाद हमने उच्च प्रयोग किया . हमारा प्रयोग एक दम सफल रहा . कुछ त्रुटियाँ थी जिसे हम दूर कर चुके हैं. एक प्रयोग दिल्ली के चांदनी चौक से सदर बाजार तक दुकानदारों से पूजा सामग्री लेने का कार्य किया गया . यह प्रयोग छह महीनों तक अलग-अलग तरीके से किया गया.लोगों के घरों के पास पुष्पांजलि प्रवाह पात्र श्री हासिम बाबेजी के द्वारा ही कार्य का संचालन किया गया था , जिसमे काफी सफलता मिली , लेकिन यहाँ एक प्रयोग था , जिसमें अब कुछ सुधार किया गया है. मंदिरों में एक सर्वेक्षण किया गया जिसमें मंदिरों के व्यवस्थापकों ने पूर्ण सहयोग का वादा किया. यह सर्वेक्षण आठ महीने तक किया गया था .
(क ) 500 किलोग्राम फूल से अधिक खपत वाले मंदिरों में छोटा कलश रखना , जिसमें 150 किलोग्राम फूलमाला एवं पूजा सामग्री आ जाती है. जिसे एक दिन छोड़कर हमारे कार्यकर्ता आयेंगे और सभी सामग्री ले जायेंगे.
(ख)1000 जगह पर जहाँ लोगों का निवास स्थान है वहां पुष्पांजलि प्रवाह पात्र लगाना जिससे जो लोग घरों में पूजा करते हैं वह अपना पूजा सामग्री अपने घरों के पास लगे पात्र (बौक्स ) में डालें . यमुना पीपल का पेड़ मंदिर जाकर फेंकने की जरूरत नहीं है . एक पात्र में 150 किलोग्राम पूजा सामग्री आती है . तीन दिन छोड़कर इन पात्र (बौक्स ) को खाली करने की व्यवस्था की गयी है.
(ग) दुकानदार भी अपने दुकानों में प्रतिदिन पूजा अर्चना करते हैं. पुष्पांजलि प्रवाह के कार्यक्रम में हमारे कार्यकर्ता एक दिन छोड़कर प्रत्येक दुकान जायेंगे और पूजा सामग्री उनसे ले लेंगे.
(घ) जो भक्त यमुना के पुलों से पूजा सामग्री फेंकते हैं , हमारे कार्यकर्ता उनसे वहां वह सामग्री अपने कलश में ले लेंगे. दुबारा लोग जाली न काटे के लिए वहां पर कुछ और व्यवस्था करनी है जिससे समय आने पर उसे ठीक कर दिया जाएगा.इसके बाद भी जो लोग यमुना नदी के किनारे अपनी पूजा सामग्री को लेकर आएँगे , हमारे कार्यकर्ता वहां भी मौजूद हैं . वे वहां सामग्री उनसे बड़े सम्मान के साथ ले लेंगे और यमुना नदी को प्रदूषित न होने देंगे. इस तरह इस समस्या का कारण और निवारण की एक सम्पूर्ण योजना है . इस योजना के द्वारा इस समस्या का समाधान हमेशा के लिए हो जाएगा एवं दिल्ली के 250 बेरोजगार लडके एवं लड़कियों को रोजगार भी मिलेगा.हमारे प्रयास : पुष्पांजलि प्रवाह के कार्य को आठ साल तक गहराई से अनुसन्धान करने के बाद हमने उच्च प्रयोग किया . हमारा प्रयोग एक दम सफल रहा . कुछ त्रुटियाँ थी जिसे हम दूर कर चुके हैं. एक प्रयोग दिल्ली के चांदनी चौक से सदर बाजार तक दुकानदारों से पूजा सामग्री लेने का कार्य किया गया . यह प्रयोग छह महीनों तक अलग-अलग तरीके से किया गया.लोगों के घरों के पास पुष्पांजलि प्रवाह पात्र श्री हासिम बाबेजी के द्वारा ही कार्य का संचालन किया गया था , जिसमे काफी सफलता मिली , लेकिन यहाँ एक प्रयोग था , जिसमें अब कुछ सुधार किया गया है. मंदिरों में एक सर्वेक्षण किया गया जिसमें मंदिरों के व्यवस्थापकों ने पूर्ण सहयोग का वादा किया. यह सर्वेक्षण आठ महीने तक किया गया था .
यमुना के घाटों पर पर जो (नाविक) नाव चलाने वाले होते हैं. उनके सहयोग से 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 .4 .2011 में जो लोग पूजा सामग्री लेकर आए , उसमें से प्लास्टिक बैग निकालकर बाकी सामग्री प्रवाह करने दिया गया. इसमें नाविकों का पूर्ण सहयोग मिला . इस अभियान के दौरान इकठ्ठा की गयी प्लास्टिक थैली लगभग 200 किलोग्राम अधिक था. 2005 से हमने इस कार्य के लिए दिल्ली के सभी सरकारी संस्थानों इस समस्या एवं समाधान की जानकारी दी एवं सहयोग की प्रार्थना की लेकिन 2011 तक सिर्फ पत्र व्यवहार के अलावा कोई दूसरा रास्ता नहीं अपनाया गया. इस दौरान दिल्ली के 72 विधायक , सांसद, राज्यपाल, मेयर ,मुख्यमंत्री, दिल्ली राज्य प्रदूषण नियंत्रण समिति ,केन्द्रीय प्रदूषण नियंत्रण समिति 2005 से अब तक जो भी केंद्रीय पर्यावरण मंत्री बने, उनको भी इस योजना की जानकारी दी गयी एवं सहयोग की अभिलाषा था, लेकिन उन्होंने कोई पत्र व्यवहार करना भी उचित न समझा.
2008 में मुख्यमंत्री के हस्तक्षेप पर मुख्यमंत्री के पर्यावरण सचिव श्री जादू ने लगभग चालीस हजार रूपए सहयोग दिया ,जिससे हम अपनी ख़राब गाडी मरम्मत करवा सके तथा एक साईकिल ठेला ले सके.
दिल्ली के फूलों के मंडियों का व्यवस्थित सर्वेक्षण किया किया गया और उन्होंने सहयोग का वादा किया. सभी धर्म के संत , महंत को इस कार्य के बारे में जानकारी एवं समर्थन तथा 165 सांसदों को जानकारी देना , राष्ट्रपति, उपराष्ट्रपति, मुख्यमंत्रियों को जानकारी दिया गया एवं समर्थन हेतु प्रार्थना किया गया !
A Pilot Project to check water pollution: Pushpanjali Pravah (PP)
In our Galaxy the planet earth is only habitable, so far known to the scientists and astronomers. The scientists of NASA often express that they have seen so many other earth-like planets in the universe/cosmos, but all a fancy. The elements that make this planet habitable are Water, Air, Nature etc. these are the the basic amenities to survive for living beings.
It is well said ;
"Treat the Earth well. It was not given to you by your parents. It was loaned to you by your children." Kenyan Proverb.
Thus we are the custodians and not the owner of this planet, it is our moral and social duty to preserve and conserve it for the forthcoming generations.
The most important issue is to conserve water because water is life, no water no life.
The Living Water : Water, a substance that is so often taken for granted yet is such an intricate part of our very existence. One should ponder over the issue that how can a substance that has no taste or color be so important to life. Like the bonds people form with each other, Water has bonds to all aspects of life. "Let them know in their viens that you both are connected everywhere." These bonds are constantly being broken by our irresponsible actions....
The Living Water : Water, a substance that is so often taken for granted yet is such an intricate part of our very existence. One should ponder over the issue that how can a substance that has no taste or color be so important to life. Like the bonds people form with each other, Water has bonds to all aspects of life. "Let them know in their viens that you both are connected everywhere." These bonds are constantly being broken by our irresponsible actions....
In last two decades, after observing the depletion in Ozone layer and other catastrophies, the world has shown its concern over the pollution of the plantet by organizing Earth Summit in 1992, Kyoto Protocol in 1997 and Durban Conference on Climate Change in 2011. But it seems all efforts are just a formalities or passing the bucks on one another, it is evident that the proper efforts have not been made otherwise the recent Avalanches in Europe (i.e. since the end of January, 2012) would not be there. Since the major threat is posed by water pollution, air pollution and noise pollution are still neglected and warrant immediate sustained efforts/ action at war foot level.
In all such conferences and summits scientists come up with new ideas and solutions but we should keep in mind that
“Solutions are like people, each one is complex as well as different. Most every part time environmentalist can have a solution to any environmental problem that ails this planet. That is not to say that they are always right. Conversely, they are not always wrong either. Having the solution is the first part, making the solution a reality is the second. Water pollution is a problem that most everyone would agree does exist. The toxic substances in the water can kill the plant life, animal life, and in some cases, the human life.
Indian Aspects on Water Pollution : -
Religious Facets : Religion (Dharma), the practice of sacred ritual observances, (in brief, sacred rites and ceremonies) ,
Hinduism is formed of diverse traditions and has no single founder it is the oldest living religion or the "oldest living major religion" in the world.
Hinduism describes dharma as the natural universal laws whose observance enables humans to be contented and happy, and to save oneself from degradation and suffering. Dharma is the moral law combined with spiritual discipline that guides one's life. Hindus consider dharma the very foundation of life. It means "that which holds" the people of this world and the whole creation. Dharma is the "law of being" without which things cannot exist.
Hinduism known as Sanatan Dharma, the pre-dominant and indigenous religious tradition of the Indian subcontinent. It is the eternal law that sustains a variety of complex views, it includes a wide spectrum of laws and prescriptions of daily morality based on the notion of Karma, dharma and societal norms. Hinduism is a conglomeration of distinct intellectual or philosophical points of view, rather than a rigid common set of beliefs.
It is not a conservative but it envisages the upliftment of human civilization as well as the conservation of natural resources, since the nature nurture all living beings. All the sacred rites and ceremonies are based on scientific beliefs. It also adapt the new technology that is beneficial for the human beings or society. Nature and all elements of Nature viz. The sun, The Moon, The Holy Rivers even Trees all are regarded as deities since they nurture the human beings like mother and without them the earth would be a barren land like the Mars or any other planet. They are the supporting factors of life on this planet, otherwise there is no life. A mother who feed her children and thus is respectful and revered by them. Likewise The Mother Nature that nurture all living beings is worshiped by the Hindus. That’s why they perform holy Yagnas and offer scented offerings etc. to the Fire god to purify the atmosphere.
Spiritual Perception : - The flowers offered to the deities in temples are discarded after a day. Since the idols are not only bathed, clothed, decorated everyday but also offered meals/foods as they are not mere idols they are treated as super living beings as the GOD is almighty and omnipotent, these deities are HIS representatives. They are not mere idols before installation into the temples they are personified. Accordingly, these flowers offered once are immediately discarded and thrown to the bins without any further utility. This was very painful and after profound thinking it was thought that these can be converted into green manure and after a detailed study for about 4 years, finally a project come up i.e. Pushpanjali Pravah (PP). As per the holy book Gita …. “Since Nature provides us pure water and other elements, it is our moral duty to preserve and conserve it for the coming generations. Those who pollute these elements are sinners.” Faith is an abstract emotion, a feeling that can’t be revealed, faith in god, religion, truth compassion, humanity all are the subject matter of faith and belief that can’t be shown, our festivals, rites and rituals, charity etc. all are self explanatory, one who follows these judiciously can experience the miracles and marvels of nature, otherwise this will be destructive for the human beings, similarly as Science is a good servant but bad master. One should practice all these things with proper knowledge and in proper manner.
Today, it is evident that India has made enormous/ tremendous progress in all fields but the fact is that the human beings are not contented and satisfied or pacified, there is always a void in every one, from the inner self everyone feels some vacume. Hence, one is facing problems at each and every step, reasons are the change that is irrational. Eventually, in search of peace and prosperity man begets sufferings and sorrows. Of course, there is some inconsistency in thinking, way of life or in system, the system is the result of a philosophy. That implies the doctrine/philosophy of the day itself is adulterated hence, the atmosphere is polluted.
Social Aspects : Man is a social animal and each and every man is a unit of society, like a brick in a building. Hence, if a society wants to advance/ progress each and every man has to follow these five doctrines/ noble deeds :- a) to care one’s family b) to follow the religion (noble path) c) to care for society d) to protect the environment and e) defend the nation. We care for our family, kith and kin, follow the religion blindly, care for the society to some extent and social obligations, even we use adult suffrage but don’t care for the Nature, we neglect our duties towards the Mother Nature. However, the man wants to satisfy his physical needs as well as intellectual, emotional and psychological needs. One can’t be contented with physical assets only since man is a social animal, he can’t live aloof without the life giving environment. Nature protects the living beings just as Ozone layer protected the planet earth from ultraviolet radiation and the depletion of the ozone layers is a threat to the existence of human being on the earth, like-wise the depletion of water level and other components of the nature would be disastrous for the humanity.
Hence it is a social obligation for all beings to conserve/protect the nature (water, air, fauna, flora etc.) in order to be protected otherwise one should keep in mind the extinction of dinosaurs. Even the Indian Constitution enforce it on every citizen under article 51A( G) i.e.” to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wild life, and to have compassion for living creatures; Moreover, felling of tree has been made a criminal offence. It is a sin
Economic Aspects :: Money is the first and foremost requirement to start any project or programme, it requires huge fund to remove the silt and other sediments from the river Yamuna, since last 10 years, The Government of Delhi has spent a huge amount that may be more than a billion US dollars, incurred so far and the project is going on in phased manner but the result is not heartening, even Shri Shri Ravishankar, a social and spiritual leader with his 5000 volunteers clear the river and more than One Metric Ton waste were taken out of the river bed, Besides every year many social organization as well as Government agencies efforts to clean it and spend enormous amount.
Pushpanjali Pravah : Our project will check/debar the people to throw the waste material into the river, this will solve the problem once for ever. As per our study, it is estimated that during 11-13 April, 2011 approx. 5 Lac kilograms waste and left over materials (religious offerings to God) were dumped in the river, it will take at least 90 days and millions of Rupees. That would be saved if our organization is allowed and supported by the Govt. Organizations.
Delhi Government tried to check pollution and to aware the public of Delhi by various means of publicity, not to throw flowers and other waste materials in river but people on contrary dispose of the material into the river since there is no other alternative. The only solution to this problem is waste conservation land programme (a modified version of sanitary land fill) resulting the conversion of such waste materials into the green manure and compost. Thus it will be a productive venture rather than exhausting the government funds. The river that was 12-15 meter deep earlier has been converted into a drain with 1-2 meter depth only due to sedimentary deposit and eventually causing floods and playing havoc to the residents of the near-by area.
Government’s View : As per the records/reports of Central Pollution Control Board only 1.5% of pollution is due to the left over offerings, however the plastic bags that contains this material is a great threat which should be avoided and stopped immediately.
The fundamental problem : The people of different faith worship their own deities/gods/ goddess and offer flowers and other materials during prayer and after performing the worship/prayer the priests or the devotees themselves discard the flowers bouquet etc. that smells foul after 5-6 days hence, people wants to rid of this and throw these material to rivers etc. even the Supreme Court of India verdict that no one defy the river is still to be implemented, the Government of Delhi filed an Affidavit in High Court of Delhi in 2005 to make some arrangements at the coast of river itself to check the river pollution but it is still to be implemented.
Pilot Project of “Youth Fraternity Foundation (YFF)“ is briefed under :-
i) To install a bin at all temples where the flowers are offered upto 500 kgs and it will be emptied by our volunteers on alternate days
ii) At the places with approx. 1000 residential units the bin will be installed so that the people who worship at their residence can dispose off the left over materials in these bins. These bins will be evacuated twice a week.
iii) Our volunteers will contact the shop-keepers or traders alternate days and collect the disposable material.
iv) Our volunteers who will be at the river side will collect the material and request the aspirants to hand over the material to volunteers.
Project Report : - With more than 8 years profound study on the issue, it was put into action as a trial from Chandni Chowk to Sadar Bazar to collect the material from the shopkeepers/traders for 6 months. Apart from that some bins were installed in the residential area under the supervision of Shri Hasim Babeji hat was a success. All these were just trials, the problems, shortcomings and lacunas were plugged in. The management /committees of temples in the city were contacted and most of them assured us to cooperate and support the project, this entire exercise took almost 8 months.
Last but not least the boatmen at the river bank were contacted and the devotees who visited the place on April 11 to 14, 2011 to dispose off the waste materials, they were briefed/ educated and requested to throw only the flowers etc. without the plastic bags and other non-biodegradable materials. During the period 200 kgs of plastic bags were collected which were to be thrown into the river. Since 2005, various organizations of the state government were contacted by way of correspondence only. 72 MLAs/MPs/LG/Mayor/Chief-Minister of Delh/ Delhi Pradesh Pollution Control Board/Central Pollution Control Board were briefed about this project and requested for cooperation but of no use. In 2008, the Environment Secretary of CM of Delhi helped only Rs. 40,000/- that was utilized for maintenance of the recovery van of the organization and for purchasing a new cycle-rickshaw only.
Besides the flower merchants and various religious leaders/god-men along with 165 MPs were also apprised of the project. Even The President/Vice-President were contacted and requested to extend financial help to implement this project in letter and spirit.
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ReplyDeleteआप से निवेदन - अभियान को समर्थन दें
- नदियों को कैसे जीवन दें ?
अगर आपके पास सुझाव हैं, तो हमें आपकी आवश्यकता है!
हम सभी पर्यावरण वैज्ञानिकों, विशेषज्ञों को आमंत्रित करते हैं।
हमसे जुड़ें और हमारी सूखती नदियों को बचाने का प्लान तैयार करने में अपने ज्ञान और कौशल का योगदान करें, और देश की जीवन धाराओं को बचाएं।
हम नीचे दिए गए ईमेल पर आपके सुझावों की आशा करते हैं।
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